Kid's Ministry
If you're passionate about teaching the littlest members of our church, consider volunteering as a teacher for our Sunday morning children's ministry.

Altar Guild
Help prepare communion, refill candles, and more.

Snack Hour
For the snack aficionado & talented home chef, consider signing up to bring food for our Sunday morning snack hour!

Praise Band
If you possess musical gifts such as singing or playing an instrument, we'd love to have you join our Sunday morning praise band.

Serve on Sunday morning by managing our slides or the livestream.

For those who prefer serving behind the scenes in an administrative capacity.

Care Team
Provide rides to church, deliver meals, and visit homebound members.

Campus Workday
We host quarterly workdays to help beautify our campus and make small repairs. All organizers, handymen, gardeners, and hard workers are welcome!