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Thank you for your generosity and support of Immanuel's mission!

If you already give online via our former portal (Vanco), you can still do so here.


Note that we will be transitioning to Church Center Giving in the coming months​

Why We Give

First and foremost, God is the one who gives to us. From our daily bread, to the roof over our heads, to our eternal life in heaven, God is the generous one. So we do not give in order to earn God's favor or salvation! He has already given those to us for free. Instead, God calls us, as people made in His image, to be just like Him in the way that we live. This includes, of course, being generous towards Him and those around us.

Giving is an opportunity, not an obligation.

We don't have to give. We get to give! Financial giving is a joyful privilege, and we have many good reasons for it.


Regardless of whether you give or how much you give during this season of your life, know that God loves you unconditionally and will continue to provide everything you need.
(Luke 21:1-4)

1 / We are called as God's faithful people to give generously

2 Corinthians 9:6-11

2 / We actively worship and love God through our giving

2 Corinthians 9:12-13

3 / We sacrificially and personally invest in the Gospel mission through our giving

Matthew 6:21

4 / We actively trust God to provide for us, rather than ourselves or our finances

1 Timothy 6:17-19

How the Church Uses Your Offerings

Immanuel acknowledges that we own nothing. Everything belongs to God Himself. He has simply entrusted us to faithfully use these resources to carry out His will and mission. That’s why the members of our congregation diligently and unanimously decide how these resources are used and regularly report the congregation’s income and expenses.


There are many ways in which God’s resources are used through our church, including:

  • Staff compensation

  • Property maintenance

  • Children’s and Youth Ministry

  • Funding local and international missionaries

  • Community outreach

  • Community service projects

  • And many more!


Thanks to your generosity and commitment, Immanuel will continue to use these gifts carefully and faithfully in order to fulfill its calling to reach the people of Oceanside for the Gospel!

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